REV3AL Fam - We are in the process of still getting our new contract updated on all sites.
01 Oct 2022, 00:14
REV3AL Fam - We are in the process of still getting our new contract updated on all sites. Please bear with us as we complete this.
CoinGecko is showing an accurate price for the token, but Coinmarketcap is not. Neither of them have been updated with the new contract. Its is under review.
Also, you can utilize Dextool or Poocoin to see the correct token chart and price. Links below.
You can also simply type "/price" here in the chat and you will see the price chart.
Same news in other sources
101 Oct 2022, 00:20
Thanks to our fearless leaders, REV3AL team members, Driven team members, and community members for this week's achievements. 🙌
We've got a very bright future ahead for this project and ecosystem. We can't wait to share more about that in the coming weeks! 🤩
Thanks to our fearless leaders, REV3AL team members, Driven team members, and community members for this week's achievements.
Thanks to our fearless leaders, REV3AL team members, Driven team members, and community members for this week's achievements. 🙌
We've got a very bright future ahead for this project and ecosystem. We can't wait to share more about that in the coming weeks! 🤩